Police Activity at Bonnaroo
Ok so, the Police reunited for this show. But you know what...It didn’t feel that good. (Peaches and Herb - I will reference you for the rest of my life- Thank You!)
So yeah, the Police headlined Saturday. Now as the headliner, NOTHING else is scheduled for that set time. Of course every other set time is a constant battle of choices of what you should go see because your favorite bands are always playing at the same time... at opposite stages. but this doesnt happen with the big cheese. So everyone goes to see the headliner.
But I gotta tell you, The Police were not moving me. And they didn’t really seem to be getting through to most of the crowd either. The only people that were really getting into them were the kids with the glow sticks - you know what I'm saying? & They would have been just as amped for Peaches and Herb - If not MORE!
But so back the the Police debacle - it was weird because you knew almost every song - because who doesn’t know the Police, right? They are a legend. But it sounded very...uh...classic rock. Almost like they were a bad cover band of themselves. And listen, I don’t like to say these kinds of things...really. But it was true. I mean the show was so low energy. No connection between band members - not even a sparring of words between Copeland and Sting. No new versions of old classics... No soul or feeling, it seemed very auto pilot. I don't know. It was just sad to me. Because I love the Police, & I didn’t need to see them that way. It’s kind of like seeing someone in the hospital. and now thats how you remember them. sick. instead of how they used to be. But anyway so yeah, I had to mosey on along to the next show which was the Lips. They were going to be playing right next door at the Which Tent a 1/2 after the Police finished. Oh yeah and by the way - the Police played a very short set. Like an hour and a half. I know because I could still hear them from the "Which Stage" as they call the second stage.
So I get to the Which stage early so I could get a good spot for the Flaming Lips and the field was already packed. So while the Police were playing - people were just camped out at an empty field waiting for the Flaming Lips. AND...at one point the Lips came on and did one song as a sound check and the crowd was more psyched for that one Flips song than they were for any of the Police songs.
The Police situation also became a little bit of a joke too, because while Wayne from the Flips was up on stage he was telling the crowd a story about John Paul Jones. (From Led Zeppelin! He was there playing in the Super Jam ) His guitar was stolen and Wayne was saying that there was rumor going around that Sting stung the guitar. Believe what you will folks, I’m just telling you what I heard.
So any who, in the end I really regret that Police situation turned into what it did. Now I’ve got Tainted Love for them.
I love you though you hurt me so.
now I’m gonna pack my things and go.
The Police show at The Roo was a bit like humming along to a greatest hits album while lounging on a plastic sheathed sofa sipping Country Time lemonade in yo momma's living room. Not the most rollicking or glamorous time, I confess, but an experience enveloped in a certain nostalgic atmosphere nonetheless. That's worth something in my estimation.
No, Sting didn't make collective tantric love to us, but hey, comme ci comme ca. We were graced by a glimpse of his shirtless torso, however, and this Roo-goer left feeling complete, if not a little stuffed from those festival fries that chased a burrito and two veggie quesadillas.
You know, I've heard the same things about the Polices' reunion and it's a shame. The good thing is that you can always say that you witnessed the reunion that shouldn't have been done!
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